Five Easy Tips to Take Care of Your Skin in Your 30s


In your 30s, you may have started to notice signs of aging almost immediately by looking into the mirror. Whether it is the stress of the day or a particular medication, time has begun to take a toll on your skin. That is why it is important to commit to a stronger skin care regimen. Having a set method will not only provide your skin with the results you are looking for, but also provide your self-esteem with the youthful energy of a teenager. Don’t wake up tomorrow morning and regret not taking care of your skin! Follow these five easy tips below and start tomorrow the right way!

Start Refreshed, End Refreshed

Begin your day right by washing and cleansing your face. Wash and remove any previous make-up, dirt, oil, and any other build up with a cleanser. This will prevent any build up of dull unwanted complexions. While washing, be sure to use lukewarm water and a non-abrasive cleanser when cleaning your face. Any use of a washcloth or other similar material during or after this process can irritate your skin leading to unwelcoming results. Repeat this process again at night before you go to bed.

Think Two-a-Days When Moisturizing

After cleansing, be sure to moisturize your skin, once in the morning and once at night. This step cannot be avoided! Moisturizing is especially important for dry skin, anti-blemish action, and anti-wrinkle aging. There are a multitude of moisturizer products to choose from in Neutratone’s care products. Be sure to find one that best fits your skin.

Additional tip: if you skin is extra dry, incorporate facial oils to this step to help rejuvenate your skin into a more healthier youthful look

 Treat Your Eyes, Care For Your Eyes

When entering your 30s, aging is commonly seen around the area of your eyes. The skin around your eyes is normally the first to develop fine lines and wrinkles. This is because the skin is much thinner and sensitive than the rest of your face. Eye cream, especially those with Vitamin B ingredients, will help prevent lines from forming and minimize dark circles, wrinkles, or puffiness.

  1.   Tone, Tone, and Tone

When using a toner, it is important not to use any alcohol-based toner. Make sure the toner is something mild to sooth your skin and restore a healthy pH balance.

  1.   Be Consistent! Stick to your routine!

If you are looking for hard hitting results, make sure you stay consistent in your skin care regiment. You skin needs to adjust in two ways:

  • The use of the products
  • The frequency of the treatment

As your begin your schedule, you will discover how sensitive your skin is to the overall treatment. Sticking with your schedule will allow your skin to adapt to the new products and the times you use those products.